Discover 6 DIY Solutions To Neutralize Pet Odor

Source:AZ Animals Time:October 18, 2023

While we love our furry friends, who bring so much love into our homes, they can also bring unwanted odors. Dogs and cats are two of the most popular pets in the world. Both can bring unwanted odors into your home. While most cleaners sold at stores work great at removing odors, many are too expensive or contain harmful ingredients. Don’t worry if the price tag or the fear of toxins scares you. There are other methods of removing unwanted pet odors. This article will cover the top six things you can do to keep your home smelling fresh. Let’s discover the top six DIY solutions to neutralize pet odor in your home.

Understanding the Smell

Discover 6 DIY Solutions To Neutralize Pet Odor

Most of the pet smells in your home come from bacteria and yeast growth happening in areas of your pet’s body.

©AaronAmat/iStock via Getty Images

There are various reasons that your home may smell a little more pet-like than you would like it to. For example, if you have an animal that is using the restroom in your home — whether it is a cat using the litter box or a puppy who isn’t fully potty trained — that creates an odor all on its own. Ensuring that the litter box is frequently cleaned and that any pet droppings that are left in the house are promptly and properly disposed of can help with the smell.

However, not all smells are from fecal incidents. In fact, most of the smell in your home comes from bacteria and yeast growth that is happening in areas of your furry friend’s body. There are many damp, dark areas on your pet’s body that are perfect breeding grounds for this yeast and bacteria to develop. Some examples are their mouth, paws, and inside of their ears, particularly in animals that have floppier ears. Although those smells originate on your pet’s body, they don’t just stay there. Common places in your home where pet odor appears are on your pet’s toys, floors, and furniture.

The 6 DIY Solutions to Neutralize Pet Odor

While there are many ways and solutions to neutralizing pet odor, here are the top six DIY solutions you can use to help your home smell like a rose despite your furry friends living there. We will break them up into two categories: solutions you can do and solutions you can make.

Discover 6 DIY Solutions To Neutralize Pet Odor

You can take various actions to limit pet dander, hair, and odor in your home. Some examples include vacuuming and sweeping.


Solutions You Can Do

Clean Your Pet’s Items

Discover 6 DIY Solutions To Neutralize Pet Odor

Pet collars, bedding, clothing, and food dishes all come in contact with your pet and the bacteria on their body. They can become the perfect breeding ground for odor-producing bacteria.


As was previously stated, the yeast and bacteria that grow in those damp, dark places in your pet’s body can be transferred to objects in your home. Have you ever smelled your dog’s breath? Stinky right!? The bacteria in their mouth causing that bad breath often get onto the toys they spend all day nibbling on. Additionally, their collars, pet beds, any pet clothing, and food dishes can be the perfect breeding ground for bacteria and odors. Some things are machine washable, and others, like their food dishes, can be washed by hand in the sink. You can use a safe home spray for your pet to eliminate those odors when it comes to more personal pet items such as their bed, collar, or toys. In the solutions you can make section, we will mention some of the home cleaning sprays you can make.

Additionally, if you have a cat as your furry friend, properly and frequently cleaning their litterbox is essential in mitigating unwanted odors. Similarly, for dogs, you want to properly pick up and dispose of any of their droppings as well.

Upkeep Your Pet’s Hygiene

Discover 6 DIY Solutions To Neutralize Pet Odor

Experts suggest bathing your dog once a month and your cat every 4-6 weeks.


Just like with people, your pet needs to get washed up from time to time as well. Experts recommend bathing your dog about once a month and your cat every four to six weeks. That’s right, even your feline friends need some cleaning up to maintain proper hygiene and limit unwanted odors. Besides bathing them, frequent brushing of both your cat and dog will go a long way in neutralizing pet odors and keeping your home smelling fresh. Brushing helps remove dirt, debris, and hair that could contribute to unpleasant odors. You will want to brush your pet daily to weekly, depending on the length of their fur.

Another method of cleaning your furry friend that will help neutralize pet odors in your home is wiping their paws. Like asking a guest to remove their shoes before entering so they don’t track dirt throughout your home, you can do the same for your pet. You can have something at the door that can be used to wipe their paws after they have been outdoors. Helping clean your pet’s paws will help prevent dirt and bacteria from building up there and causing odors.

Clean Your Floors

Discover 6 DIY Solutions To Neutralize Pet Odor

Cleaning a house with a vacuum cleaner can help eliminate pet dander, dirt, and hair. Eliminating these things will help neutralize pet odors in the home.

©Valeriy_G/iStock via Getty Images

No matter how hard you try to keep your furry friend clean, dirt and debris will still make it onto your floor. Whether it is pieces of their breakfast they didn’t finish or their hair, evidence of your pet’s presence will be everywhere in your home.

Vacuuming frequently can help mitigate unwanted pet odors. The vacuum is able to suck up pet dander, dirt, and hair that can be on your carpets, hardwood, or even furniture. You want to go over the same area multiple times for the best results. Other great floor cleaning options for non-carpeted surfaces include a broom and a mop. While it may not be the most fun way to spend your weekend, both effectively sanitize your space and neutralize pet odors. You can make at-home cleaners and disinfectants for this as well.

Solutions You Can Make

Now that you know what you can do, let’s discover DIY solutions that you can make to help neutralize pet odors in your home.

Discover 6 DIY Solutions To Neutralize Pet Odor

You can create many at-home DIY solutions to neutralize pet odor in your home.

©Bogdan Sonjachnyj/

Citrus and Hydrogen Peroxide

Discover 6 DIY Solutions To Neutralize Pet Odor

Lemon provides a fresh, clean scent that helps to neutralize pet odors.


This is a great option for pet owners because of its various uses. This solution requires 2 cups of water, 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide, and 1/4 lemon. This cleaner is perfect for cleaning litter boxes and other pet items. You can put this solution on a cloth and clean whatever area you wish with the solution. The lemon will bring a pleasant, fresh scent that should help to neutralize any bad pet odors in the home. Hydrogen peroxide is commonly used as an eco-friendly disinfectant. It can help keep your home and pet items clean and free of bacteria.

Baking Soda and Vinegar

Discover 6 DIY Solutions To Neutralize Pet Odor

Baking soda is a natural deodorizer and is used in many household cleaning products.


This solution is one of the most popular and well-known DIY solutions for neutralizing pet odors. The best thing about this ingredient mixture is that they can be used together or independently from one another. The combination is typically preferred by pet owners because of its ability to neutralize pet odors and remove staining. Baking soda is the main source of removing the odor as it is a natural deodorizer. Vinegar has antibacterial properties, helping to kill off bacteria that can be the source of foul smells.

To create this mixture, combine equal parts of each ingredient — baking soda and vinegar — and shake well. Then, spray to your heart’s content across all areas in your home affected by your pet’s odor. You can use this mixture on your carpets, on your furniture, on your pet’s bedding, on your clothing, and so much more.

Essential Oil Cleaner

Discover 6 DIY Solutions To Neutralize Pet Odor

Essential oils can be harmful to cats; it is best not to use them in your home if you have cats.


You can make a DIY essential oil cleaner to help neutralize pet odors in your home. Please be advised that essential oils are not safe for cats. You should not use essential oils if you have a cat in your home. When selecting essential oils for your dog, ensure you are using a pet-friendly essential oil. If you are unsure of which are friendly or toxic for your pet, it is best to contact your vet for the best course of action.

To make this cleaner, combine 1 cup of warm water and 1 tablespoon of baking soda in a spray bottle. Then, you shake the bottle well until the two ingredients become mixed. Then, add 5-10 drops of your chosen essential oil into the mixture and spray again. You can use this spray on your furniture or some of their items, such as their bedding. Be advised that your dog should not come into direct contact with essential oils. When using them, be sure to keep them away from the items you sprayed until it has fully dried.

Some dog-friendly essential oils include:

  • Lavender
  • Frankincense
  • Ginger
  • Rose

Summary of the 6 DIY Solutions to Neutralized Pet Odor

Discover 6 DIY Solutions To Neutralize Pet Odor

People should brush their long-haired cats and dogs daily to limit pet dander, hair, and odor accumulating.

©anurakpong/iStock via Getty Images

Things You Can DoThings You Can Make
Clean Your Pet’s ItemsCitrus and Hydrogen Peroxide
Upkeep Your Pet’s HygieneBaking Soda and Vinegar
Clean Your FloorsEssential Oil Cleaner


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