See a Bear Cub Sneak Into a Garage and Swing Above a Car Like a Monkey
There is an awful lot going on in the below clip. It captures a moment of complete chaos in an ordinary garage. Somehow, a bear cub has got itself trapped inside. The mom bear is frantic and is attempting to rescue her cub. The terrified little bear is balancing on part of the door mechanism that stretches across the ceiling of the garage. Unfortunately, every time the mother bear lifts the garage door, the mechanism moves towards the little bear giving it less room and frightening it even more. Eventually, the cub works its way toward a step ladder and climbs down it which is very clever. To make matters even worse, it sounds as if the family dog is getting wound up by the situation and is constantly barking!
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Where Do Black Bears Normally Live?
The bear family in this clip looks as if they are American black bears. This species is found from northern Alaska spreading east across Canada and south into Mexico. These bears prefer thick understory vegetation with plenty of food! You are likely to spot them in chaparral and pinyon-juniper woodland sites. When they are not living in forests they can be found in wet meadows, burns, sidehill parks, and subalpine ridgetops.
Why Do Black Bears Enter Human Houses?
Black bears do not seek out human company and would prefer to avoid us if they can. So, what on earth is a mother bear and her cub doing in a garage? The answer relates to food! Bears need a lot of food to keep themselves happy and healthy and are therefore constantly on the lookout for sources of nutrition. Human houses and other buildings contain a lot of food. Even our garbage is very attractive to bears as it contains a lot of waste food. Bears have an excellent sense of smell. Black bears can smell better than the average dog. They can detect our food from a long distance away and soon arrive to check it out. Unfortunately, this means that they sometimes get themselves into situations like the one featured in this clip.
Should You Encourage Bears Into Your House?
You should never encourage bears into the area around your house by feeding them. This is very dangerous for both you and the bear. They may become accustomed to relying on human sources of food and can become over-familiar with human company. In some cases, this can lead to them becoming aggressive and presenting a danger to humans. Authorities always advise you to deter bears from your property rather than encourage them.