Tables Turned... Watch This Crafty Lion Steal a Meal from Hyenas
When we think of animals who steal, we usually think of hyenas. They have gotten a bad rap for being the scraggly African animals who steal the kills of other animals who work hard for their meals. Hyenas will often steal kills from lions and cheetahs.
However, the tables are turning in this video below. Instead of the hyena being the thief stealing from the lion, it is now the lion who is bold enough to steal for not just one hyena but a whole group of them!
Watch This Incredible Video Shown Below!
Lion and Hyena Sighting in Africa
The next YouTube video posted at the top of this blog post takes us to the Sabi Sand Nature Reserve in South Africa. This video was shared just a few days ago on The Mapogo Lions YouTube page. This channel follows six male Mapogo lions on the Sabi Sand landscape. This channel has more than one million views, and this specific video has received more than 2,000 views in just four days.
Lion Vs. Hyena
At the start of this video posted above, we see that a small group of hyenas have completed a warthog kill. They worked hard by hunting, chasing, and killing it. However, just before they could start to eat it, someone stepped onto their territory. This takes us to the very beginning of the video.
The king of the jungle has sauntered onto hyena territory without a care in the world. And like the bravest of creatures we’ve ever seen, he walks right up to the warthog that is lying dead and stands over it. The hyenas all hang back, as they know they are no match to get into a fight with this lion.
And then the lion very boldly just picks up the warthog, as though it weighs nothing, and walks off with it. We see the hyenas in the background are angry but aren’t willing to risk stepping up to this lion.
How Many Warthogs Live in Africa?
©Tao Jiang/
Warthogs (Phacochoerus africanus) of the genus Phacochoerus can be found solely in Africa. The IUCN status of the warthog population sets them as the least concern. There are estimated to be approximately 22,250 warthogs left in Africa, specifically South Africa.
These mammals make for a delicious meal for many predators. The main predators we see that will hunt the warthog are crocodiles, hyenas, and lions. Don’t let these little guys fool you, though; they can put up quite a fight!