Conjunctions, Sextiles, and Trines: Supportive Astrological Aspects Defined

Source:AZ Animals Time:October 25, 2023

In astrology, aspects occur when planets and other elements on a natal, synastry, or transit chart make angles to each other. These astrological aspects are either supportive and easy, or challenging and full of friction. It’s helpful to see challenging aspects as things to learn from, and easeful ones as places to lean into and celebrate.

What Are Aspects in Astrology?

Conjunctions, Sextiles, and Trines: Supportive Astrological Aspects Defined

The lines in the center of this natal astrology chart represent the aspects between the planets.

©Lidiia Moor/iStock via Getty Images

If astrology were a movie, the planets would be the characters, the signs would be their personalities, the houses would be the setting, and the aspects would be the story. These angles create the geometry of our lives.

Each important element of an astrology chart, such as a planet, luminary, or asteroid, occurs at a specific degree on the chart. When these elements are a certain number of degrees apart, they form specific angles that have different meanings. The major aspect in astrology are:

  • Square: Two planets 90° apart.
  • Opposition: Two planets 180° apart.
  • Conjunction: Two planets at the same degree.
  • Trine: Two planets 120° apart.
  • Sextile: Two planets 60° apart.

There are also many minor astrological aspects that are not considered as heavily or strongly as the major ones including:

  • Quintile
  • Bi-Quintile
  • Semi-Square
  • Sesquiquadrate
  • Inconjunct
  • Semi-Sextile

What Is an Orb in Astrology and Why Are They Important?

In astrology, an orb is the number of degrees apart that an aspect is from being exact. When two planets have the exact same degree, the aspect is also exact and very strong. Astrological aspects with a difference of less than 1° are also strong. An aspect is still considered valid if it is up to 10° off in either direction according to some astrologers. However, it weakens the further that it gets from the exact degree.

What is a Conjunction in Astrology?

Conjunctions, Sextiles, and Trines: Supportive Astrological Aspects Defined

A conjunction in astrology is when two planets are near the same degree in an astrology chart.

©buradaki/iStock via Getty Images

A conjunction occurs when two planets in an astrology chart are at (or within 10° of) the same point. Typically, conjunctions fall into the same zodiac sign and house in the astrology chart. However, if it is not exact and occurs near a sign or house cusp, it is possible to have a conjunction that spans two signs or houses.

The energy of a conjunction is positive and supportive. It is like two friends working together and pumping each other up. The energy of the two planets involved supports each other. For example, if you have Mars conjunct Venus in your natal chart, you are likely a passionate and romantic person who has an easefulness in relationships and a comfortability with sexuality.

In a synastry chart, a conjunction indicates where you and your partner work well together. In synastry, when two peoples’ Venuses are conjunct, it’s a sign that a beautiful and peaceful union is possible.

What is a Trine in Astrology?

Conjunctions, Sextiles, and Trines: Supportive Astrological Aspects Defined

A triangle is the symbol for a trine in astrology.

©Astragal/iStock via Getty Images

When two planets are 120°, or three signs apart, they form a trine. The name of this aspect comes from the fact that 120° is 1/3 of the full 360° astrology chart. Trines almost always occur in a sign of the same element. It’s possible that a weaker trine that occurs near the cusp of a sign may not be in the same element.


The energy of a trine is also supportive and harmonious but in a slightly different way than a conjunction. Planets in a conjunction are supportive besties that highlight the best qualities of each other. Planets in a trine are more like good friends who are working towards the same outcome. Trines help us get stuff done and show us where we may move through things with ease.

For example, if you have Moon trine Mars in your natal chart, the energy between the emotional moon and action-oriented Mars will flow. It’s likely that your work and passion in life will support you emotionally and will lead you to feel emotionally satisfied.

Trine Sign Cheat Sheet

The table below shows which signs are trine from each other. However, it’s only considered a true trine if the orb of the two planets is within 10° of 120° apart.

SignTrine Sign #1Trine Sign #2

What is a Sextile in Astrology?

Conjunctions, Sextiles, and Trines: Supportive Astrological Aspects Defined

A sextile is kind of like a cheerleader rallying for the other planet from the sidelines.

©IPGGutenbergUKLtd/iStock via Getty Images

A sextile occurs when two planets are 60°, or (typically) two signs apart. As with other astrological aspects, it is possible to have a weaker sextile near a sign’s cusp, resulting in the sextile being three signs apart. Sextiles are generally slightly more calm than conjunctions or trines but are still important. They are also a sweet and easeful aspect of a chart. The two planets involved in a sextile are kind of like cheerleaders cheering each other on from the sidelines.

For example, in a natal chart, if you have Venus sextile Uranus, you are probably very fun in relationships. You love spontaneous trips, last-minute plans, and surprising your sweetie (if you have one) with something special. You also love freedom in relationships and may particularly enjoy the single life, or be tempted to try out alternative relationship styles, like an open relationship.

Sextile signs are also water with earth or air with fire. These element pairings are considered complimentary, hence the easeful flow of energy between sextile planets.

Sextile Sign Cheat Sheet

Below is a table to reference to find signs that are sextile from each other. However, it’s only a true sextile if the planet is within 10° of 60° apart in the astrology chart.

SignSextile Sign #1Sextile Sign #2


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