25 Dogs That Look Like Huskies

Source:AZ Animals Time:November 2, 2023

As if conjured up out of a mystical winter wonderland, huskies are stunning dogs with a unique and ethereal beauty. These arctic beauties are incredibly popular dogs, thanks to their sleek and powerful physiques, striking fur coats, sparkling eyes, and unique personalities. Like their wolf ancestors, huskies also embody a wild spirit and adventurous nature. If you love the aesthetic of a husky but find that the breed isn’t a suitable fit for your home, don’t worry! There are many other dogs with a similar appearance. So, let’s take a look at 25 dogs that look like huskies!

1. Utonagan Dog

25 Dogs That Look Like Huskies

Utonagan dogs look like big wolves, but they are very friendly and tend to get along with everyone

©Binson Calfort/Shutterstock.com

Although it has an elegant wolf-like appearance, the Utonagan dog is a gentle and loving dog that looks a lot like a husky. The breed’s name, “Utonagan”, is a Chinook Indian name that means “Spirit of the Wolf”. Edwina Harrison crossbred these wolf-like dogs with Siberian huskies, Alaskan malamutes, and German Shepherds in the 1980s. Today’s Utonagan dogs still have their original wolf-like features, but also retain a super sweet and gentle temperament. They are intelligent and easily trained, but they also need lots of exercise and daily activity. However, due to their thick, double coat of fur, Utonagan dogs do not do well in the heat.

  • Size: Bigger than a husky
  • Height: 25 to 33 inches tall
  • Weight: 70 to 88 pounds
  • Lifespan: 10 to 15 years

2. Northern Inuit Dog

25 Dogs That Look Like Huskies

Northern Inuit dogs have keen senses but make poor guard dogs because they are too curious and friendly.

©Aneta Jungerova/Shutterstock.com

A relatively new breed, the Northern Inuit dog has a stunning wolf-like appearance. In fact, the dire wolves in Game of Thrones, and the wolf-cross dog in Outlander were actually Northern Inuit dogs! However, Northern Inuit dogs do not actually have any wolf DNA. Instead, they are a unique cross between German shepherds, Alaskan malamutes, and Siberian huskies.

Northern Inuit dogs are powerful and athletic dogs with incredible stamina. They are typically friendly and loyal dogs, but they can be aloof with strangers and are very protective. In addition, these beautiful canines need lots of exercise and daily training, without which they can become destructive, whiny, and howl a lot. Northern Inuit dogs may also suffer from separation anxiety, and they are difficult to train.

  • Size: Bigger than a husky
  • Height: 22 to 30 inches tall
  • Weight: 48 to 84 pounds
  • Lifespan: 12 to 14 years

3. Alaskan Malamute

25 Dogs That Look Like Huskies

Malamutes need a lot of space and plenty of daily exercise.

©Hanna Borysenko/Shutterstock.com

Commonly mistaken as extra large huskies, Alaskan Malamutes are actually their own separate breed. These powerful dogs hail from Alaska and were originally bred to haul heavy loads across long distances. They are incredibly strong and quite large, but they are also friendly and loyal dogs who can be quite affectionate and love spending time with their families. Alaskan Malamutes are intelligent and can be easy to train, but they do have a stubborn streak that requires plenty of patience and consistency.

  • Size: Larger than a husky
  • Height: 23 to 25 inches tall at the shoulder
  • Weight: 75 to 85 pounds
  • Lifespan: 10 to 14 years

4. Canadian Inuit Dog (Canadian Eskimo Dog)

25 Dogs That Look Like Huskies

As working dogs, Canadian Inuit dogs need lots of exercise and jobs to keep them engaged, as well as consistent training and patience.

©Scalia Media/Shutterstock.com

Originally from the Arctic, the Canadian Inuit dog or Canadian Eskimo dog is another breed that looks like a husky, although it is bigger, with a sturdy body made for hard work. These athletic dogs are large and powerful, built much like the Alaskan Malamute. They have a thick double coat of fur that comes in many different colors, which they shed in large amounts twice a year. Canadian Inuit dogs are friendly but they are also independent and high-energy, so they can be quite challenging, especially for inexperienced dog owners.

  • Size: Larger than a husky
  • Height: 20 to 28 inches tall at the shoulder
  • Weight: 40 to 100 pounds
  • Lifespan: 12 to 15 years

5. Czechoslovakian Vlack (CSV)

25 Dogs That Look Like Huskies

Czechoslovakian wolfdogs were originally bred in Czechoslovakia for border patrol, and are now used across Europe and the United States for search and rescue missions.

©Best dog photo/Shutterstock.com

If you want a dog that looks like a husky, but with an added touch of untamed wilderness, take a look at the Czechoslovakian Vlcak (CSV), also known as the Czechoslovakian wolfdog. Originating as a unique crossbreed between the Carpathian wolf and a German shepherd, these remarkable dogs are incredibly strong and agile, possessing a primal allure that is truly captivating. In addition, their loyalty knows no bounds, and once they form a bond with their owner, they will protect you with unwavering loyalty, affection, and devotion.

However, it’s important to note that these dogs are not suitable for first-time dog owners. CSVs need an incredible amount of activity, mental stimulation, and an experienced hand to guide and train them.

  • Size: Larger than a husky
  • Height: At least 23.5 inches tall at the shoulder
  • Weight: At least 44 pounds
  • Lifespan: 12 to 16 years

6. Alaskan Klee Kai Dog

25 Dogs That Look Like Huskies

Alaskan klee kai dogs do not do well if left alone for long periods of time.

©I_AM_JASON/iStock via Getty Images

The Alaskan klee kai dog is a newer breed from the United States that looks almost like a miniature Siberian husky. Although much smaller, the klee kai has a thick double coat that comes in a wide variety of colors, with markings like a Siberian husky. Like huskies, however, they are quite intelligent and can be impressive escape artists. Due to their smaller size, Alaskan klee kai dogs do not need as much space, but they have a lot of energy and need plenty of exercise and play.

  • Size: Smaller than a husky
  • Height: 12 to 17 inches tall at the shoulder
  • Weight: 6 to 25 pounds
  • Lifespan: 13 to 16 years

7. Native American Indian Dog (NAID)

25 Dogs That Look Like Huskies

Native American Indian dogs need at least one hour of exercise a day,

©Maples Images/Shutterstock.com

Although native to North America, the exact origins of the Native American Indian dog are a mystery. However, it is thought to be a descendant of the dogs first used by Native Americans over 10,000 years ago. Native American Indian dogs are about the same size as huskies, but they weigh more and have a heavier build. They are brilliant dogs who are protective of their families, making them great watchdogs. They are also very devoted companions and can make good family pets. They are very adaptable, trainable, and make excellent companions for active people.

  • Size: Similar to a husky, but heavier
  • Height: 23 to 34 inches tall at the shoulder
  • Weight: 55 to 120 pounds
  • Lifespan: 12 to 19 years

8. West Siberian Laika (WSL)

25 Dogs That Look Like Huskies

WSLs are very athletic and hardy dogs, with incredibly acute senses for hunting.

©Grigorii Pisotsckii/Shutterstock.com

Originating in Russia, the West Siberian laika (WSL) is a brave and tenacious dog. It is actually a cousin breed of the Siberian husky and has many husky-like features. WSLs are mostly suitable for colder climates, but they require less grooming than huskies do and are naturally healthy dogs. WSLs are our natural hunting dogs and have tons of energy, so they need lots of exercise, play, and plenty of space.

These beautiful dogs form deep and devoted bonds with their families, which makes it hard for them to transfer to a new owner. In addition, they have very strong prey instincts, so they are not well suited for living with other small pets. WSLs definitely need early socialization with both people and animals, as well as consistent obedience training.

  • Size: Slightly smaller than a husky
  • Height: 21 to 24 inches tall at the shoulder
  • Weight: 35 to 50 pounds
  • Lifespan: 12 to 15 years

9. Thai Bangkaew

25 Dogs That Look Like Huskies

Thai Bangkaew dogs are excellent watchdogs and are always on alert.


Loyal and affectionate, the Thai Bangkaew is a sturdy dog that looks like a husky. It gets its name from a village in Thailand, where the breed was first bred from a now-extinct wild dog and a black and white pet dog. Although smaller than huskies, Thai Bangkaew dogs have compact bodies and thick fur that require less grooming than huskies.

These dogs can be aloof with strangers, but they are very loyal and affectionate with their owners. In addition, they can have a stubborn and independent streak, and get bored easily with repetitive tax tasks. This breed needs lots of socialization early on and an experienced and confident owner.

  • Size: Smaller than a husky
  • Height: 16 to 22 inches tall at the shoulder
  • Weight: 35 to 43 pounds
  • Lifespan: 14 to 17 years

10. Saarloos Wolfdog

25 Dogs That Look Like Huskies

Most Saarloos wolfdogs have a beautiful wolf gray coat, but they also come in red and white variants as well.


This unique breed that looks like a husky originally comes from a German shepherd and a Eurasian gray wolf, bred by Leendert Saarloos in the Netherlands. Like its ancestors, the Saarloos wolfdog retains many wolf-like features in its physical appearance. These powerful dogs are high-maintenance and have an intimidating appearance, requiring experienced owners.

However, Saarloos wolfdogs are also very loyal and make excellent canine companions. They form strong bonds with their families and with the right environment, they are very friendly. These dogs are very intelligent and can be easy to train, as they love being the center of attention. However, they don’t tolerate being left alone and suffer from separation anxiety.

  • Size: Bigger than a husky
  • Height: 24 to 30 inches tall at the shoulder
  • Weight: 66 to 90 pounds
  • Lifespan: 10 to 12 years

11. Greenland Dog

25 Dogs That Look Like Huskies

With its incredible strength and impressive speed, these husky-like dogs often pull sleds and help humans in Arctic regions.

©Tony Skerl/Shutterstock.com

The Greenland dog is often mistaken for a Siberian husky, as the two look very similar. However, the Greenland dog is its own breed that originates from the icy lands of Greenland, where it has been used as a working dog for centuries. Greenland dogs also make fantastic companion animals with their playful and loyal personality. With the right balance of training, consistency, and care, these dogs can be very affectionate and loyal companions. However, be aware that they have a stubborn streak and are not suitable for first-time dog owners.

  • Size: Bigger than a husky
  • Height: 23 to 27 inches tall at the shoulder
  • Weight: 75 to 105 pounds
  • Lifespan: 10 to 12 years

12. Akita Inu (Japanese Akita)

25 Dogs That Look Like Huskies

Akita Inus have an unmatched mental agility that allows them to adapt and excel in many different situations.


Hailing from the wild mountains of Japan, the Akita Inu or Japanese Akita is a noble canine with a rich history. Originally, these powerful dogs were bred for guarding and hunting large animals like bears, wild boars, and elk. Akita Inus today are fearless protectors and steadfast companions and are strong, resilient, and unwaveringly loyal. However, they are very strong dogs who can be quite stubborn, so they need lots of socialization from an early age as well as consistent training from an experienced owner.

  • Size: Bigger than a husky
  • Height: 22.5 to 27.5 inches tall at the shoulder
  • Weight: 55 to 75 pounds
  • Lifespan: 10 to 12 years

13. Tamaskan Dog

25 Dogs That Look Like Huskies

The Tamaskan dog comes from Finland.

©Bildagentur Zoonar GmbH/Shutterstock.com

Tamaskan dogs look a lot like huskies and are sometimes even called Tams or Tamaskan huskies. However, they have shorter coats that are a bit sleeker than a husky, with long snouts and long legs that make them look more like wild wolves. In addition, Tamaskan dogs are larger than huskies and have quite a formidable presence.

Despite their intimidating appearance, however, Tamaskan dogs are friendly and affectionate family pets. In addition, these beautiful dogs tend to be intensely loyal to a single family member and commonly suffer from separation anxiety. This breed requires experienced owners who are up for a challenge, as Tamaskan dogs can be more challenging to train than huskies.

  • Size: Bigger than a husky
  • Height: 24 to 33 inches tall at the shoulder
  • Weight: 55 to 100 pounds
  • Lifespan: 14 to 15 years

14. Samoyed

25 Dogs That Look Like Huskies

Samoyeds are loyal and affectionate animals with a goofy streak that many owners adore.


Originating in Siberia, Samoyeds look a lot like creamy white huskies! However, they are much fluffier than your average husky and come with their own serious shedding habits. Samoyeds were raised in the same harsh environments as hard-working sled dogs and our pack-oriented. As working dogs, they need lots of exercise and attention, but not quite as much as huskies do.

Samoyeds are known for being super friendly and good with young children. In addition, they are quite talkative and can make all kinds of unique vocalizations.

  • Size: About the same size as a husky
  • Height: 19 to 23.5 inches tall at the shoulder
  • Weight: 35 to 65 pounds
  • Lifespan: 12 to 14 years

15. American Eskimo

25 Dogs That Look Like Huskies

American Eskimo dogs are neither shy nor aggressive, always remaining alert and friendly.

©T and Z/Shutterstock.com

A slightly smaller dog that looks like a husky is the beautiful American Eskimo. Despite its name, this captivating canine actually originated in Germany and is quite popular due to its striking appearance and quick-witted nature. However, they may take a bit of time to warm up to new friends.

American Eskimos are social animals and thrive on companionship and family life. Neglect or a lack of training can lead to many behavioral problems, and they insist on being an integral part of their human pack. Fortunately, due to their intelligence and eagerness to please, American Eskimo dogs are also one of the most trainable breeds out there.

  • Size: Smaller than a husky
  • Height: 9 to 12 inches tall at the shoulder (toy); 12 to 15 inches (miniature); 15 to 19 inches (standard)
  • Weight: 6 to 10 pounds (toy); 10 to 20 pounds (miniature); 25 to 35 pounds (standard)
  • Lifespan: 13 to 15 years

16. Kugsha Dog

Sometimes called the Amerindian Malamute and the American husky, this rare breed looks a lot like a husky, but with even more primitive, wolf-like characteristics. There isn’t a lot known about it so far, but its Origins seem to go back to the Wolfen Kennel in Pennsylvania. Its name is actually an acronym derived from the original three breeders — Kuhlwind, Gordon Smith, and Habben.

Kugsha dogs are a fascinating blend of wolf and domestic dogs, with an innate strength and resilience that sets them apart from other breeds. They have a primitive behavior reminiscent of wolves, but they also are incredibly intelligent and understand commands quickly. However, their high levels of wolf DNA mean they can have unpredictable temperaments. They have extremely high social needs and are exceptionally intelligent and sensitive. They need experienced and devoted owners to help them build a relationship of trust and mutual respect.

  • Size: Bigger than a husky
  • Height: 20 to 27 inches tall at the shoulder
  • Weight: May be over 100 pounds
  • Lifespan: 14 to 16 years

17. Keeshond

25 Dogs That Look Like Huskies

Keeshonds are very affectionate and loving dogs and get along with just about everyone.

©DevidDO/iStock via Getty Images

The Keeshond comes from the Netherlands, with colors and markings that look like a husky. However, keeshonds are much fluffier, shed a lot, and require a lot of grooming. In addition, their prey drive and exercise requirements aren’t quite as intense as a husky, but they still need daily activity.

Keeshonds are very loving and friendly dogs, but they can become overly attached and struggle with separation anxiety. They are also very talkative, and they’ll let you know if they’re not happy. Unlike huskies and many other northern breeds, Keeshonds are suitable for first-time owners and are typically relatively easy to train.

  • Size: Smaller or similar to a husky
  • Height: 17 to 19 inches tall at the shoulder
  • Weight: 35 to 45 pounds
  • Lifespan: 12 to 15 years

18. Shikoku

25 Dogs That Look Like Huskies

Shikoku dogs are highly alert, energetic, and known for their endurance.


Another beautiful Japanese dog that looks like a husky is the Shikoku. Originating in the mountain peaks on the island of Shikoku, these incredible dogs are especially loved by Japanese hunters. Shikoku dogs are the epitome of canine athleticism, with sturdy bones, a compact yet robust build, clean-cut muscles, and an elegant streamlined appearance.

Shikoku dogs are naturally more social than Akita Inus, but without enough training, enrichment, and exercise, they can become destructive like huskies. In addition, Shikoku dogs have a strong prey drive and don’t do well with other small pets.

  • Size: Smaller or similar to a husky
  • Height: 17 to 22 inches tall at the shoulder
  • Weight: 35 to 55 pounds
  • Lifespan: 10 to 12 years

19. Norwegian Elkhound

25 Dogs That Look Like Huskies

Norwegian elkhounds are agile, intelligent, and confident.

©Chris Bambrick/Shutterstock.com

Originating in Norway, the Norwegian elkhound is one of the oldest breeds in Europe. In fact, these incredible dogs sailed with Vikings! Norwegian elkhounds are robust and sturdy dogs, with muscular bodies that are built for work. They also have sensitive souls and are very affectionate. As working dogs, elkhounds get bored easily, but they are affectionate dogs and can be excellent companions for people with active lifestyles.

  • Size: Smaller or similar to a husky
  • Height: 19.5 to 20.5 inches tall at the shoulder
  • Weight: 48 to 55 pounds
  • Lifespan: 12 to 15 years

20. Swedish Vallhund

25 Dogs That Look Like Huskies

Swedish vallhunds are incredibly friendly, devoted, and affectionate.

©Marcel van den Bos/Shutterstock.com

The Swedish vallhund is another dog with Viking ancestry that looks like a husky. Swedish vallhunds are much smaller though, with long bodies low to the ground. Despite their smaller size, however, these rugged cattle dogs have an endless amount of energy and an undeniable zest for life.

Swedish vallhunds have amazing personalities and unique vocalizations that will put a perpetual smile on your face each day. In addition, Swedish vallhunds are also incredibly adaptable, equally at home in a suburban backyard as on the prow of a Viking ship.

  • Size: Smaller than a husky
  • Height: 11.5 to 13.5 inches tall at the shoulder
  • Weight: 20 to 35 pounds
  • Lifespan: 12 to 15 years

21. Finnish Lapphund

25 Dogs That Look Like Huskies

Finnish Lapphunds tend to bark a lot and can be cautious around strangers.

©Hannu Makela/Shutterstock.com

The Finnish Lapphund is a charming dog breed from the chilly regions north of the Arctic Circle. These resilient canines are not super tall, but their compact frames are packed with surprisingly dense muscle and substance. In addition, they are incredibly agile, bred to herd reindeer in their native homelands. Finnish Lapphunds are friendly and submissive companions. They are full of affection and form deep bonds with their loved ones. However, they crave constant companionship and struggle if left alone for too long.

  • Size: Smaller than a husky
  • Height: 16 to 21 inches tall at the shoulder
  • Weight: 33 to 53 pounds
  • Lifespan: 12 to 15 years

22. Yakutian Laika

25 Dogs That Look Like Huskies

Yakutian laikas were bred for all kinds of activities, from hunting to herding and pulling sleds.


Developed centuries ago in the Sakha Republic (Yakutia), the Yakutian laika were indispensable companions, playing an essential role in the lives of their human counterparts as hard workers and steadfast companions. This ongoing relationship has created a unique breed with a gentle and considerate nature.

Yakutian laikas love being with their human families. However, like any dog, proper socialization from an early age is crucial to ensure their friendly nature blossoms to its fullest potential. These dogs can be slightly reserved with strangers, but they are generally excited to meet new people and make new friends.

  • Size: Similar or slightly smaller than a husky
  • Height: 21 to 23 inches tall at the shoulder
  • Weight: 40 to 55 pounds
  • Lifespan: 10 to 12 years

23. Pomsky

25 Dogs That Look Like Huskies

Pomskies have a lot of energy and personality packed into a small-sized body.

©Victor Ataide/iStock via Getty Images

If you like huskies but want a more compact dog, the Pomsky might just be the dog for you. A mix between a Pomeranian and a Siberian husky, many Pomskies have the same colors and markings as their husky parents, but with more of a fluffy Pomeranian coat.

Pomskies are incredibly energetic and intelligent dogs who need lots of physical and mental stimulation each day. In addition, they are quite vocal dogs and tend to bark a lot. Their high intelligence can make them easy to train, but many dogs also have a stubborn streak so they’re not always the best fit for inexperienced owners.

  • Size: Smaller than a husky
  • Height: 10 to 15 inches tall at the shoulder
  • Weight: 20 to 30 pounds
  • Lifespan: 13 to 15 years

24. Icelandic Sheepdog

25 Dogs That Look Like Huskies

Icelandic sheepdogs are well-mannered, social dogs.


Another beautiful dog that looks like a husky is the charming Icelandic sheepdog, a small to medium-sized herder with a luxurious coat of fur. These charming dogs are the true embodiments of their Nordic Heritage, with a fox-like face, pointed ears, and an enthusiastically curled tail.

Icelandic sheepdogs come in many different colors with white markings and seem to always have a smile on their face. They are excellent working dogs and herders, so they need lots of daily exercise and mental stimulation. Icelandic sheepdogs are also loving and devoted to their humans.

  • Size: Smaller than a husky
  • Height: 16.5 to 18 inches tall at the shoulder
  • Weight: 25 to 30 pounds
  • Lifespan: 12 to 14 years

25. Finnish Spitz

25 Dogs That Look Like Huskies

The Finnish spitz likes to bark, earning it the nicknames of “The Barking Bird Dog” and the “King Barker”.


Fiery and spirited, the Finnish spitz is a charming dog that looks like a husky. Its striking fox-like face and perky ears add to its lively appearance, in addition to its elegantly plumed tail. What sets the Finnish spitz apart from other dogs that look like huskies, however, is its dense coat of golden-red fur.

Finnish spitz dogs are alert dogs with keen senses. They are always on guard but are not timid around strangers. Like huskies, they are extremely talkative, with a unique range of vocalizations like yodeling. They are very friendly, easy to train, and require lots of exercise.

  • Size: Smaller than a husky
  • Height: 15.5 to 20 inches tall at the shoulder
  • Weight: 20 to 33 pounds
  • Lifespan: 13 to 15 years


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