15 technology breakthroughs that have changed the world and 50 years of innovation have made a profound difference in human life

When we look back at the past, we cannot help but marvel at how fantasies that once only existed in science fiction have now become a reality in our lives. The...
August 30, 2024
15 technology breakthroughs that have changed the world and 50 years of innovation have made a profound difference in human life

The world's ten busiest airports. The first place has a yearly passenger traffic of over 100 million people.

In the minds of many people, the sky has always been a peaceful place away from the hustle and bustle. However, beneath this seemingly empty sky lies a complex...
August 30, 2024
The world's ten busiest airports. The first place has a yearly passenger traffic of over 100 million people.

Top 10 unusual new inventions. The first one is to send the motorhome to the space for preparing to build the lunar base

In this era of rapid technological development, innovation seems to never stop. While we are still amazed by the convenience of smartphones, scientists and inve...
August 30, 2024
Top 10 unusual new inventions. The first one is to send the motorhome to the space for preparing to build the lunar base

Research findings: cancer incidence among young people is 25 times that of their parents!

From the industrious farming of our grandparents' generation to the reform and opening-up era of our parents' generation, and now to the digital age of...
August 30, 2024
Research findings: cancer incidence among young people is 25 times that of their parents!


Recently, the domestic game "Black Myth: Wukong" has garnered immense attention worldwide since its announcement. This game has not only achieved remarkable su...
August 22, 2024


在數字旹代的大潮中,我們每個人都是技朮海洋中的航行者,旹而乗風破浪,旹而也會遭遇令人嗁笑皆非的“小揷麯”。 今天,我們為您精心蒐集了“27次人們錯悮地処理他...
August 16, 2024


1、嚴重燒傷後進行了令人難以置信的靣部重建。 2、患有 1 朞骨癌的人類頭骨 3、泰囯華富裏市有數百隻獼猴。噹地人認為這些猴子是印度敎神哈努曼的信徒。華富裏的獼猴數量...
August 16, 2024

What does mate mean in Huawei MATE?

In our daily lives, various electronic products often come with various suffixes, such as professional version, flagship version, basic version, etc. The sam...
August 14, 2024

The King of Grus japonensis on earth with invincible combat power

The red crowned crane, a national first-class protected animal, generally symbolizes longevity and auspiciousness in Chinese culture. From its appearance alo...
August 11, 2024
The King of Grus japonensis on earth with invincible combat power

What were the mainstream ideals of life in ancient Egypt and Babylon?

5000 years ago, other parts of the world were still in primitive societies. The ancient Egyptians were already skilled in making bread, brewing beer, mixing pai...
August 7, 2024
What were the mainstream ideals of life in ancient Egypt and Babylon?

Russia dug out a millennium palace, but its owner was a famous general of China. Why did a generation of war god die in a foreign land?

preface In 1940, Soviet construction workers accidentally discovered an ancient building complex while working in the Abakan area. From the characteristics of t...
August 7, 2024
Russia dug out a millennium palace, but its owner was a famous general of China. Why did a generation of war god die in a foreign land?

What are the wonders of the astronomical relics in Beijing Ancient Observing Platform?

As one of the important sites of ancient Chinese astronomy, the Beijing Ancient Observatory shows the exquisite skills and profound scientific knowledge of anci...
August 7, 2024
What are the wonders of the astronomical relics in Beijing Ancient Observing Platform?

The Hidden Truth about Cash Value vs. Surrender Value

Deciding between cash value and surrender value can feel confusing when managing your life insurance policy. Many don’t realize that these two figures ca...
July 25, 2024
The Hidden Truth about Cash Value vs. Surrender Value

The Saudi Arabian Future Giant: Creating the World's Largest Building "Mukaab" - A Marvel or a Fantasy?

Saudi Arabia has unveiled ambitious plans to construct "Mukaab," a colossal building that aims to become the world's largest. However, opinions are divided...
October 19, 2023
The Saudi Arabian Future Giant: Creating the World's Largest Building "Mukaab" - A Marvel or a Fantasy?

Psychedelics plus psychotherapy can trigger rapid changes in the brain − new research at the level of neurons is untangling how

Psychedelics plus psychotherapy can trigger rapid changes in the brain − new research at the level of neurons is untangling how...
October 17, 2023
Psychedelics plus psychotherapy can trigger rapid changes in the brain − new research at the level of neurons is untangling how

Navigating the risks and benefits of AI: Lessons from nanotechnology on ensuring emerging technologies are safe as well as successful

Twenty years ago, nanotechnology was the artificial intelligence of its time. The specific details of these technologies are, of course, a world apart. But the challenges of ensuring each technology’s responsible and beneficial development are surprisingl...
October 17, 2023
Navigating the risks and benefits of AI: Lessons from nanotechnology on ensuring emerging technologies are safe as well as successful

Superconductivity at room temperature remains elusive a century after a Nobel went to the scientist who demonstrated it below -450 degrees Fahrenheit

Photograph of the first Solvay Conference in 1911 at the Hotel Metropole. Heike Kamerlingh Onnes is standing third from the right. Benjamin Couprie/Wikimedia Co...
October 17, 2023
Superconductivity at room temperature remains elusive a century after a Nobel went to the scientist who demonstrated it below -450 degrees Fahrenheit

How Technology Makes Life Easier and Safer

The early 2000s introduced us to countless technological breakthroughs. Since then, technology appears as if it has become a necessity. Almost everyone in the w...
October 17, 2023
How Technology Makes Life Easier and Safer

Digitalisation, a catalyst for a better outcome

Digitalisation has the potential to dramatically transform the world’s water industry, emerging as a powerful tool to combat climate change and enhance su...
October 17, 2023
Digitalisation, a catalyst for a better outcome

9 American Countercultural Books

© CSA-Printstock/iStock.comThe word counterculture generally refers to any movement that strives to achieve ideals counter to those of mainstream society....
October 17, 2023
9 American Countercultural Books

What Industrial Societies Get Wrong About Childhood

Each year across the world, kids of roughly the same age are packed into classrooms and confined to desks with the intent of learning fr...
October 16, 2023
What Industrial Societies Get Wrong About Childhood

Love Is Biological Bribery

In an episode of the satirical comedy The Great, the reign of the reason-and-science-loving Russian empress Catherine nearly collapses w...
October 16, 2023
Love Is Biological Bribery

The Beloved Mesolithic Girl

Ten thousand years ago, a mother clutched her growing belly. A month earlier, the pregnancy had become difficult—something was wrong. T...
October 16, 2023
The Beloved Mesolithic Girl

Why a Universal Society Is Unattainable

On Jan. 1, 2021, five long years after the vote for what’s become known as Brexit, and numerous marches before and after that national...
October 16, 2023
Why a Universal Society Is Unattainable

A Viral Twitter Thread Reawakens the Dark History of Anthropology

In March, a diet coach named Anthony Gustin, founder of an online food store called Perfect Keto (“Empowering your health journey in a...
October 16, 2023
A Viral Twitter Thread Reawakens the Dark History of Anthropology