Watch a Valiant Buffalo Bravely Fight Off a Pack of Hyenas to Protect Her Tiny Calf
Anytime we mention a mother animal against any other animal, we would 99% of the time assume the mother will come out the winner. There is just something about the strength of a mother who is trying to protect her young. And mother buffalos are no exception.
Now, just because a mother animal might fight doesn’t mean they won’t come out badly hurt or even worse to the point of death. However, this mother buffalo in the video below was willing to risk it all for the sake of her sick baby calf.
Watch This Incredible Video Shown Below!
Buffalo and Hyena Sighting in Africa
The next YouTube video posted at the top of this blog post takes us to Africa it looks like. Given the landscape and the animals that are present, it is most likely in Africa. The Andrew Thande page shared this YouTube video. This channel shares various footage of animals on his travels. We see animals such as lions, leopards, zebras, hippos, wildebeest, vultures, and elephants, to list a few.
Mother Buffalo Vs. Hyena
©Peter Betts/
At the start of this video, we see a mother buffalo who is with her two young calves. These buffalo calves are too young to be able to know how to survive on their own, so they must stick with their mother for a few months.
Her other baby calf that is lying down in the grass looks as though it is injured, deformed, or possibly sick. Regardless, it doesn’t have the injury to get up, which leaves it vulnerable to the attack of predators. So, the mother buffalo knows to stay close.
However, the second this mother buffalo turns her back, we see a hungry hyena come up, ready to grab this calf for an extremely easy meal. But, not that easy. We see the mother buffalo chase off this hyena. She’s letting him know that he is not welcome here.
How Many Buffalos Are In Africa?
Buffalos (Syncerus caffer) of the family Bovidae reside solely in Africa. These large mammals can weigh anywhere from 1,300-2,000 pounds. And they can run up to speeds of 22 miles per hour. This alone is why this hyena thought twice about picking a fight with the mother, as he would not win in a fight on her alone.
There are estimated to be some 573,000 buffalos left in Africa. Their conservation status is labeled as the least concern, and they are not in danger of going extinct.